In this page we will guide you with some basic steps to use this site. It is as easy as you use facebook.

Before we start you must should what is BusinessNetworks. It is a online business networking platform. Connect with other business, grow sales, make trusted vendors, bid on requirement, explore business world, and many more (features coming soon). For further details visit About us page.


  1. Free Business Account Registration
  2. Account Activation
  3. Update Business Profile
  4. Connect With Members
  5. Posting Update on Wall
  6. Joining Groups
  7. Joining Forums
  8. Notification
  9. Messages
  10. Profile
  11. Contacts
  12. Settings
  13. Terms of Use
  14. Contact us
  15. Privacy Policy
  16. Blue Tick or Verified Business Profile

Step 1. Free Business Registration & Listing

Open Link:

First Step is to register register your business by entering following information.

Username: use easy to remember username, all small latter. Username can be used to login and mention another user on post.(Ex. godinc)

business email, business name & contact number. All these four fields are required to create an account.

Registration & Login Page

Step 2. Email Confirmation

Email Confirmation

After account registration you will receive an account activation mail.
Click on the given link to activate your account or paste the given code on activation link

Step 3. Update Business Profile

Go to Menu -> Profile Tab -> Click Edit Profile -> Business Details & Update your business details

Step 4. Connect With Members

Members List

Step 5. Posting update on Wall

Posting an update on wall
Wall or Activity

This page is under development, all the steps will be updated very soon.

Till then register on our website and share with your business partners.

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